Welcome to My Blog – Living In The Fullness of God

Welcome to My Blog – Living In The Fullness

Here we will talk about how it’s possible live our lives to the fullest whether it’s in the area of our spiritual well-being, our physical health, or our emotional health. If any one of these parts of our being are sick or in trouble then we are sick.

Living whole - body, soul, and spirit

In my 67 years of living…and especially in the last 6 years…I’ve learned the importance of living a balanced life – body, soul, and spirit! If there’s a problem in our body we’ll feel it in our mind and emotions. If there’s a problem in our spirit we’ll feel it in our emotions or our body. And so on…

For instance:

Did you know that if you find yourself feeling depressed it’s your soul signaling you that it’s starving for some positive input? It’s telling you that it’s time to read your Bible or other inspirational/teaching book…learn something new…or watch a motivational or inspirational video…or listen to a good Biblical teacher. (Email me for a list of Bible teachers I enjoy listening to and learning from.)

Your soul is not being fed and one of the ways it tells you is through a feeling of unexplained sadness, emptiness, longing, or even depression!

Living In The Fullness will focus primarily on Spiritual health from a Biblical point of view…

But… it’s truly impossible to speak about the health of our Spirit without touching on the health of our body and soul as well. They’re all intimately connected. None of these individual parts can live outside of the other two.

In future blog posts I will be sharing the things I’m learning about Living in the Fullness in our Spirit, soul, and body.

I’ll share my thoughts and experiences as I put what I’m learning into practice in my life.

Why am I writing this blog?

Because I want to share my heart with you in a way that I simply can’t do in an Instagram or Facebook post!

  • Will it be perfect? Nope! Very unlikely!
  • Will it be interesting to read? I certainly hope so! Feel free to let me know if it isn’t.
  • Will it be funny? That’s up to you. I don’t really think I’m funny – but some people I know think I am.😊
  • Will it be thought-provoking? I’m guessing it will be. The things I’ve been learning lately have certainly provoked of lot of thought on my part!
  • Will it be every day? Nope! I live a busy life as a Jesus-loving…wife, mom, Grandma, DIY homemaker, entrepreneur, and small business owner. But I am hoping to add something here on a semi-regular basis.

I look forward to getting to know each one of you better. I’d love it if you left a comment to tell me who you are and where in the 🌎 you live.